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Friday, September 26, 2008

MapInfo Professional v9

MapInfo Professional v9

MapInfo Professional is a powerful micr*soft Windows-based mapping application that enables business analysts and GIS professionals to easily visualize the relationships between data and geography.

With MapInfo Professional, you can perform sophisticated and detailed data analysis by leveraging the power of location. Including location in your decision making and daily operations can help you increase revenue, lower costs, boost efficiency and improve services. Use MapInfo Professional to:

* Create highly detailed maps to enhance presentations and aid in decision making
* Reveal patterns and trends in your data that may otherwise be impossible to see in spreadsheets and charts
* Perform sophisticated and extensive data analysis
* Understand customer and marketplace demographics
* Manage geographically based assets, such as stores, people and property
* Plan logistics and prepare for emergency response

MapInfo Professional v9 Download Here


MapInfo Professional v9 Download Here